Yellow Qube

When City Heights secondary school was opened, a youth facility was provided by Christchurch Road for the youth of the neighbourhood. It lay dormant until the St Martins Tenants & Residents association campaigned with petitions to Lambeth council, and the facility, now called the Yellow Cube, was opened 2016 amidst much fanfare.

It continued for a few years until it was closed, leaving youths with nowhere local to go.

Lambeth Council has agreed to serve notice on the current company to vacate the building. We should have a new provider of youth services by summer 2024. This is the result of our campaigning

We do not know why it closed. According to Companies House the Community Interest Company that runs it still has £200,000 in the bank. We believe this is money provided by Lambeth Council and our landlords. This more than enough money to provide trained youth workers to run the place.  We also note that 17 of 21 trustees have resigned over 8 years

We in St Martins Estate want Lambeth Council to liaise with the Yellow Qube to open the building as a youth club. We want to ensure it offers the services local young people want. We also ask the Council to suggest 2 residents of St Martins Estate as trustees.

In 2023 the Yellow Qube partially opened to host the eSports Youth Club. This is welcome, but we are still campaigning for it to open as a proper youth club with more facilities. 

Everyone would benefit from better youth facilities. Here are some of the stories we’ve heard. Please add your story here

Read the background to the campaign.